
Hafeninsel V - Kaufmannshof
An ensemble comprising apartments and commercial space is currently under development in the former Mainz customs harbour, on the old harbour basin. Surrounded on three sides by water, it transforms maritime flair into reality. With its clinker facade, the building reflects the history and architecture of the old Mainz customs port. Forty-five condominiums are planned, including five as townhouses. Construction is expected to start in mid-2020.
F.A.Z. Tower
Germany, Frankfurt
UBM is developing the F.A.Z. Tower in Frankfurt's sought-after Europaviertel. The architecturally impressive large-scale project will be the new headquarters of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.). A further 15,000 m² of office space will be created in an adjacent building section. The project was designed by the Berlin architectural firm Eike Becker_Architekten.
siebenbrunnen 21.
Siebenbrunnengasse is in the middle of Margareten - and Margareten is in the middle of the city. In this cozy neighborhood with numerous restaurants and cafés, UBM has developed 165 apartments, 13 studios (commercial living) and 3 commercial spaces at Siebenbrunnengasse 21.
Astrid Offices
Výjimečný komorní projekt v srdci Holešovic. Kombinací jedinečné architektury a moderních technologií vzniká nejen stavba, ale životní prostor, ve kterém je radost tvořit, rozhodovat, plánovat, jednat. Administrativní budova je tvořena pěti nadzemními a dvěma podzemními podlažími. Velkoplošné prosklení s použitím venkovních vertikálních lamel a horizontálních žaluzií na fasádě budovy zajišťuje velmi příjemné denní světlo. Hlavní vstup s prostorným foyer svojí atmosférou odráží vzdušnost a světlost všech pronajímatelných prostor. Pro čerpání inspirace slouží několik coworkingových spotů umístěných nejen v interiéru budovy či zeleném atriu navazujícím na recepci, ale i na společné terase.
Office Provider
Austria, Vienna
This property in Vienna‘s Favoriten district was acquired in early 2017 and transformed into an office world 4.0 within two years. The comprehensive refurbishment included the creation of a modern open-space office world, where UBM benefited greatly from its hotel know-how. Both the entrance area and the staff lounge of the new UBM headquarters are reminiscent of a hotel lobby. "Office Provider" is located in the "Monte Laa" urban development area and is optimally connected to the public transport network by bus and subway within walking distance.
Griffin House
In 2005 the building designed by Józef Huss was renovated in neo-Renaissance style. Only the renovation has given the apartment house its former splendour back. The company won the empathy of Warsaw researchers.
Zalando Headquarter
Germany, Berlin
New head office of Zalando, which sets new standards in architecture and technical equipment. Showroom, auditorium for events, open work spaces, recreational areas, kindergarten, food court, underground car park - all in a central location in Berlin. The building received a DGNB gold certificate.
Původní budova byla postavena v roce 1891 Františkem Waldekem z Waldriedu na místě, jehož historie sahá až do vzniku pražského Nového města, které dal vystavět král Karel IV. ke konci 14. století.Moderní výstavba byla dokončena v roce 1996 a zahrnuje obchodní jednotku a restauraci v suterénu společně s více než 5.000 m² kancelářských prostor na sedmi podlažích. Uprostřed se nachází atraktivní skleněné atrium.
Leuchtenbergring - Office
Germany, Munich
The Leuchtenbergring Office is part of a newly created building ensemble consisting of hotel, retail and offices in the heart of the Munich district of Haidhausen. In addition to the high-quality office standard and a generous green roof garden with a high quality of stay, the good location with excellent transport connections and local supply ensures that the LEED Gold certified building is quickly fully let.
Kotlarska 11
Kotlarska is a five-storey office building located in the centre of Krakow's popular Kazimierz and Podgórze Districts. The project was planned by the well-known Krakow studio Ingarden & Ewý. The buildings benefit from excellent connections to the public transportation network and close proximity to the Galeria Kazimierz.
Pilot Tower
The Pilot Tower literally shines with its vertical pilasters made of patinated copper which rise up along the facade. This unique architectural construction was rewarded with LEED Platinum certification.
Poleczki Park
Not far from the airport, UBM has developed the largest commercial park in Poland. A wide-ranging gastronomy and service offering make the location particularly attractive for tenants, including UBM Development Polska.
Poland, Wroclaw
Several hundred metres from the old market square in Wroclaw, the Pegaz office building is a truly unique site. Both the facade and the interior were inspired by modern design. Pegaz was awarded a LEED Platinum certificate and is the first prize-winner of the "Beautiful Wroclaw 2016" competition in the category "Utility Building".
Dock 01
Unikátní společný projekt silných developerských společností UBM Bohemia Development s.r.o. a Crestyl real estate s.r.o.. Jedná se o moderní administrativní budovu v blízkosti centra města Prahy. Budova obdržela výjimečnou certifikaci LEED Gold, splňuje energetickou náročnost kategorie A. Od běžných komplexů se odlišuje mimo jiné i svou atmosférou díky své poloze v blízkosti řeky Vltavy a přilehlé zeleně.
Anděl City
Unikátní projekt, který ve třech etapách změnil ráz celé části čtvrti Smíchov a vybudoval její nové centrum na území původního areálu továrny Tatra. Zahrnuje kancelářské budovy, kino, hotely a zároveň třípodlažní garáže o celkové výměře 14.435 m² s celkovým počtem 413 parkovacích míst.