Data Protection Statement


1       General Information

1.1         Objective and Responsibility

1.2         Legal Bases.

1.3         Data Subject Rights.

1.4         Data Erasure and Duration of Storage

1.5         Security of Processing

1.6         Transfer of Data to Third Parties, Subcontractors and Third Party Providers

2            Concrete Data Processing

2.1         Collection of information for the use of the online offer

2.2         Contact form and contact via email

2.3         Presentation of share prices

2.4         Meta Pixel (Facebook Custom Audience)

2.5         Information about Google services

2.6         Google Analytics.

2.7         Use of interactice Maps

2.8         Use of fonts.

2.9         Google Tag Manager

2.10      HubSpot

2.11      LinkedIn Analytics and LinkedIn Ads

2.12      Consent Management

2.13      Embedding of videos

2.14      Links to other websites

3            Processing for the purpose of carrying out our business processes

3.1         Whistleblower portal

3.2         Direct marketing

3.3         Existing customer advertising

3.4         Responding to Project Inquiries

4            Cookies

4.1         General Information

4.2         Cookie overview, Objection Option

5            Changes to the Data Privacy Police

1   General Information

1.1        Objective and Responsibility

  1. This privacy policy informs you about the nature, scope and purpose of the processing of personal data in relation to our online offer and the associated websites, functions and content (hereinafter collectively referred to as “online offer” or “website”). Details on these processing activities can be found in section 2.
  2. Details of data processing for the purpose of carrying out our business processes are described in section 3.
  3. UBM Development AG (Laaer-Berg-Straße 43, 1100 Vienna, Austria) – hereinafter referred to as “UBM”, “we” or “us” – is the provider of the online offer and responsible for data protection.
  4. Our online offer is provided by der interneX GmbH (Lagerstraße 15, 3950 Gmünd, Austria). Serverlocation is Austria.
  5. We have set up the following central point of contact for you, which you can contact if you have any questions about data protection or your rights as a data subject: No data protection officer has been appointed as there is no legal requirement.
  6. The term ‘user’ encompasses all customers, interested people, employees and visitors of our online service.

1.2        Legal Bases

In principle, we collect and process personal data based on the following legal grounds:

  1. Consent in accordance with article 6 paragraph 1 lit. a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Consent meaning any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of agreement, which could be in the form of a statement or any other unambiguous confirmatory act, given by the data’s subject consenting to the processing of personal data relating to him or her.
  2. Necessity for the performance of a contract or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract according to article 6 paragraph 1 lit. b GDPR, meaning the data is required in order for us to fulfil our contractual obligations towards you or to prepare the conclusion of a contract with you.
  3. Processing to fulfil a legal obligation in accordance with article 6 paragraph 1 lit. c GDPR, meaning that e.g. the processing of data is required by law or other provisions.
  4. Processing in order to protect legitimate interests in accordance with article 6 paragraph 1 lit. f GDPR, meaning that the processing is necessary to protect legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, unless such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require the protection of personal data.

The specific legal bases for the individual processing operations are specified in the following sections.

1.3        Data Subject Rights

You have the following rights with regards to the processing of your data through us:

  1. The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in accordance with article 13 paragraph 2 lit. d GDPR and article 14 paragraph 2 lit. e GDPR.
  2. Right of access in accordance with article 15 GDPR
  3. Right to rectification in accordance with article 16 GDPR
  4. Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) in accordance with article 17 GDPR
  5. Right to restriction of processing in accordance with article 18 GDPR
  6. Right to data portability in accordance with article 20 GDPR
  7. Right to objection in accordance with article 21 GDPR

Notice: Users may object to the processing of their personal data in accordance with legal allowances at any time with effect for the future. The objection may in particular be made against processing for the purposes of direct marketing.

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you shall have the right to complain to a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your place of residence, employment or the place of the alleged infringement, if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the GDPR.

1.4        Data Erasure and Duration of Storage

The personal data of the data subject will be erased or blocked as soon as the purpose of the storage is inapplicable. Storage of data beyond that may occur if such storage is required by the European or national legislator in EU regulations, laws or other regulations to which the controller is subject. Blocking or erasure of data also takes place when a retention period mandated by the standards mentioned expires, unless the continued storage of data is required for the conclusion of a contract or the fulfilment of contractual obligations.

1.5        Security of Processing

  1. We have implemented appropriate and state-of-the-art technical and organisational security measures (TOMs). Thus, the data that is processed by us is protected against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction and unauthorized access.
  2. These security measures include in particular the encrypted transfer of data between your browser and our server.

1.6        Transfer of Data to Third Parties, Subcontractors and Third Party Providers

  1. A transfer of personal data to third parties only occurs within the framework of legal requirements. We only disclose personal data of users to third parties, if this is required e.g. for billing purposes or other purposes, if the disclosure is necessary to ensure the fulfilment of contractual obligations towards the users.
  2. If we engage subcontractors for our online service, we have made appropriate contractual arrangements as well as adequate technical and organizational measures with these companies.
  3. If we use content, tools or other means from other companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘third party providers’) whose registered offices are located in a third country, it is assumed that a transfer of data to the home countries of these third party providers occurs. The transfer of personal data to third countries takes place exclusively only, if an adequate level of data protection, the user’s consent or another legal permission is present.

2         Concrete Data Processing

2.1        Collection of information for the use of the online offer

  1. When using the online offer, information is automatically transmitted to us by the user’s browser; this includes the name of the website accessed, file, date and time of access, amount of data transferred, notification of successful access, browser type and version, the user’s operating system, referrer URL (the previously visited page), IP address and the requesting provider.
  2. The processing of this information is based on legitimate interests pursuant to Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (e.g. optimization of the online offer) and to ensure the security of the processing pursuant to Article 5 (1) (f) GDPR (e.g. for the defense and reconnaissance of cyberattacks).
  3. The information is automatically deleted latest 30 days after the end of the connection – i.e. use of the online offer – unless otherwise required by retention periods.
  4. The collection of data and the storage of data in log files is absolutely necessary for the provision of the online offer. Therefore, there is no deletion, objection or correction option on the part of the user.

2.2        Contact form and contact via email

  1. If you contact us, your data (name, contact details, if provided by you) and your message will be processed exclusively for the purpose of processing and processing your request. This data is processed by us on the basis of Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR (consent) to process your request.
  2. Any other use of the data takes place only on the basis of the user’s consent.

2.3        Presentation of share prices

  1. We use the technology of Eurolandcom AB (Kronhusgatan 2D, 411 13 Gothenburg, Sweden), hereinafter referred to as “Euroland”, to display share prices.
  2. The legal basis for the use of the service is the balancing of interests pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interests lie in the efficient presentation of share prices.
  3. The terms of use of Euroland can be viewed at Information on cookies and similar technologies at Euroland can be found at
  4. You can address your questions about data protection at Euroland to and

2.4        Meta Pixel (Facebook Custom Audience)

  1. We use a so-called tracking pixel from Facebook Ireland Ltd (4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland), a subsidiary of Facebook Inc (1601, Willow Road Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA). We use Meta Pixel to track the success of our own Facebook advertising campaigns and to optimize the delivery of Facebook advertising campaigns to interested target groups.
  2. After clicking on a Facebook ad or visiting our website, a cookie is stored on your device using the pixel on our website. The cookie processes data about whether you have reached our website via a Facebook ad and enables us to analyze the user’s behavior until the purchase is completed. This allows us to track the success rate of our Facebook advertising campaigns. In addition, the pixel processes data about the fact that you have visited our website and enables us to adapt the advertising displayed on Facebook to your interests.
  3. A direct connection to the Facebook servers is established via the Facebook pixel integrated on our website when you visit our website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is transmitted to Facebook in the USA.
  4. There is an adequacy decision by the EU Commission for data transfers to the USA. Facebook ensures an adequate level of data protection via the EU standard contractual clauses. You can access a copy of the contractual clauses here:
  5. The data collected is anonymous to us and does not allow us to draw any conclusions about the user. If you are registered with Facebook, Facebook can assign the information collected to your account. Even if you do not have a Facebook account or are not logged in when you visit our website, your IP address and other identification data may be processed and stored by Facebook.
  6. The legal basis for data processing is your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 a GDPR.

2.5        Information about Google services

  1. We use various services of Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland on our website.

For more information on the individual concrete services of Google that we use on this website, please refer to the further privacy policy.

  1. Through the integration of Google services, Google may collect information (including personal data) and process it. It cannot be ruled out that Google also transmits the information to a server in a third country.

The transmission to the USA depends on the function in which personal data is transmitted. As the responsible party, we ourselves may transfer data to Google in the USA for further use.

Google is registered in the data privacy framework. Furthermore, Google has committed to comply with the standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries (Standard Contractual Clauses – SCC).

More information about the Standard Contractual Clauses is available at

and at

  1. We ourselves cannot influence which data Google actually collects and processes. However, Google states that, in principle, the following information (including personal data) may be processed, among others:
  • Log data (in particular the IP address)
  • Location-related information
  • Unique application numbers
  • Cookies and similar technologies

Information on the types of cookies used by Google can be found at

  1. If you are logged into your Google account, Google may add the processed information to your account depending on your account settings and treat it as personal data.
  2. Google states the following about this, among other things:

“If you are not signed into a Google Account, we store the data we collect with unique identifiers associated with the browser, app, or device you are using. This allows us to ensure, for example, that your language settings are maintained across all browser sessions.

If you are logged into a Google account, we also collect data that we store in your Google account and consider to be personal data.” (

  1. You can prevent this data from being added directly by logging out of your Google account or also by making the appropriate account settings in your Google account. Furthermore, you can change your cookie settings (e.g. delete cookies, block cookies, etc.).
  2. You can find more detailed information in the privacy notices of Google, which you can access here:
  3. You can find notes on Google’s privacy settings at

2.6        Google Analytics

  1. We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House Barclays Dublin Ireland – hereinafter “Google”), on the basis of your consent for the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offer pursuant to Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR. Google uses cookies and other technologies. The information generated by the service about the use of the online offer by users is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and processed there.
  2. Google acts on our behalf within the framework of order processing pursuant to Article 28 GDPR. We have concluded a data protection agreement with Google that contains the EU standard data protection clauses.
  3. We use Google Analytics with IP anonymization enabled.
  4. Google Analytics stores cookies in your web browser for a period of two years since your last visit. These cookies contain a randomly generated user ID that can be used to recognize you on future visits to the website. Users can prevent the storage of cookies by setting their browser software accordingly; users can also prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to their use of the online offer to Google, as well as the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at the following link:¬dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.
  5. The collected data is stored together with the randomly generated user ID, which enables the evaluation of pseudonymous user profiles. This user-related data is automatically deleted after 26 months. Other data remains stored in aggregated form indefinitely.
  6. Further information on data use by Google, settings and revocation options can be found on Google’s websites: (“Data use by Google when you use our partners’ websites or apps”). (“Data use for advertising purposes”).¬authenticated (“Managing information Google uses to serve ads to you”).

2.7        Use of interactice Maps

  1. We use the “Google Maps” service to display maps. The provider of the online map service is Google LLC (600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA), hereinafter referred to as “Google”.
  2. Google Maps is used to display geographical information in a user-friendly way. Google collects, processes and uses data about the use of the Maps functions by visitors to the website. During the use of Google Maps, Google may load additional services (e.g. Google Fonts).
  3. The integration of Google Maps is not automatic. If we want to integrate Google Maps on a page, you must agree by clicking on the marked button. Only then will a connection to the Google servers be established. The legal basis for the use of the service is consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.
  4. Information on data protection at Google can be found at

2.8        Use of fonts

  1. We use so-called web fonts provided by Google for the uniform display of fonts. The legal basis for the use of Google Fonts is consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR. If you give your consent, a connection to Google’s servers will be established and the fonts will be downloaded from there.
  2. Further information on Google Web Fonts can be found at and in Google’s privacy policy:

2.9        Google Tag Manager

  1. We use the Google Tag Manager on our website. The Google Tag Manager is a service of Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.
  2. Through the Google Tag Manager, we can integrate various codes and services on our website in an orderly and simplified manner. The Google Tag Manager implements the tags or “triggers” the embedded tags. When a tag is triggered, Google may process information (including personal data) and process it. In doing so, it cannot be ruled out that Google also transmits the information to a server in a third country.
  3. In particular, the following personal data is processed by the Google Tag Manager:
  • Online identifiers (including cookie identifiers).
  • IP address
  1. In addition, you can find more detailed information about the Google Tag Manager on the websites

as well as at (section “Data we receive based on your use of our services”).

  1. Furthermore, we have concluded an order processing contract with Google for the use of the Google Tag Manager (Art. 28 GDPR). Google processes the data on our behalf in order to trigger the stored tags and display the services on our website. Google may transfer this information to third parties if required by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google.
  2. If you have deactivated individual tracking services (e.g. by setting an opt-out cookie), the deactivation remains for all affected tracking tags that are integrated by the Google Tag Manager.
  3. By integrating the Google Tag Manager, we pursue the purpose of being able to carry out a simplified and clear integration of various services. In addition, the integration of the Google Tag Manager optimizes the loading times of the various services.
  4. The legal basis for the processing of personal data described here as part of the measurement process is consent expressly granted by you in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR.
  5. The legal basis for the processing of those data that are processed in the context of obtaining consent is our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in being able to prove that you have given your consent to the measurement procedure (Art. 7 (1) GDPR).

2.10   HubSpot

  1. We use HubSpot on this website. HubSpot is a company from the USA with a branch in Ireland.
  2. Via HubSpot, visitors to our website are able to fill out forms for downloads and contact forms. The information entered is stored on HubSpot’s servers.
  3. If you submit one of the contact, demo or free trial forms, we will use your data to send you the requested information, set up a UBM account and arrange an appointment with you. The following data is processed depending on the form:
  • Email address
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Job title
  • Telephone number
  • Test/demo form: Use case
  • Contact form: Questions / comments
  1. Processing is carried out in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR, concerning contractual or pre-contractual measures. Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR if consent is requested or Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in providing you with information and support.
  2. We also use the HubSpot newsletter service. This allows us to analyse campaigns and, for example, openings, browser type and clicks. We use the service to inform interested parties and customers. The legal basis is your consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR or a legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR in order to provide test account users and customers with information about the newsletter.
  3. Interested parties can subscribe to a newsletter on our website. We store the e-mail address for sending further information. The data is transferred to our CRM.

Depending on the form, the following data may be collected:

  • e-mail address
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Job title
  • Company name

The legal basis is your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR. You can refuse or withdraw your consent at any time.

  1. For further information, please refer to HubSpot’s privacy policy:
  2. During the use of HubSpot the following domains are called:
  • Google Recaptcha (
  • Google Fonts (
  • Google (
  • HubSpot Analytics (
  • HubSpot Forms (
  • HubSpot CMS (local server)
  • com (

2.11   LinkedIn Analytics and LinkedIn Ads

  1. We use the conversion tracking technology and the retargeting function of LinkedIn Corporation on our website.
  2. This technology allows visitors to this website to be shown personalised advertisements on LinkedIn. Furthermore, it is possible to create anonymous reports on the performance of the adverts and information on website interaction. For this purpose, the LinkedIn Insight tag is integrated on this website, which establishes a connection to the LinkedIn server if you visit this website and are logged into your LinkedIn account at the same time.
  3. In LinkedIn’s privacy policy at you will find further information on data collection and data use as well as the options and rights to protect your privacy. If you are logged in to LinkedIn, you can deactivate data collection at any time by clicking on the following link:
  4. The legal basis is your consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

2.12   Consent Management

  1. In order to obtain your consent to the storage of certain cookies on your end device and to document them in accordance with data protection regulations, we use within the scope of our legal obligation in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter c GDPR and thus also our legitimate interest in accordance with Article. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. f GDPR the Cookie Consent Manager “clickskeks”, the provider clickskeks GmbH & Co KG, Sechsschimmelgasse 14, 1090 Vienna / Austria.
  2. The clickskeks cookie only sets technically necessary cookies. If our website is accessed, the following data is transmitted to clickskeks: your consent or the revocation of your consent to setting cookies, a cookie set by clickskeks in your browser, the cookie duration and version, domain and path of the WordPress website and the UID. The UID is a randomly generated ID and not personal information. clickskeks does not process any personal data.
  3. If you would like to revoke your consent to the setting of certain cookies, simply delete the cookie in your browser. If you re-enter/reload the website, you will be asked again for your cookie consent.
  4. Detailed information on the data protection regulations of the clickskeks can be found at:

2.13    Embedding of videos

  1. We use the video portal ‘YouTube’ of the company Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (hereinafter: ‘Google’) in order to achieve a smooth integration of the videos and an appealing design of our website. The legal basis for data processing is your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.
  2. We use the ‘extended data protection mode’ option provided by Google.
  3. If you call up a page that has an embedded video, a connection to the Google servers is established after your explicit consent and the content is displayed on the website by notifying your browser.
  4. According to Google, in ‘extended data protection mode’ your data – in particular which of our websites you have visited and device-specific information including the IP address – will only be transmitted to the YouTube server in the USA if you watch the video. By clicking on the video, you consent to this transmission.
  5. If you are logged in to Google at the same time, this information will be assigned to your YouTube member account. You can prevent this by logging out of your member account before visiting our website.
  6. Some information is transmitted to the parent company Google Inc. based in the USA, to other Google companies and to external partners of Google, each of which may be located outside the European Union. Google uses standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission and relies on the adequacy decisions issued by the European Commission regarding certain countries.
  7. During the use of the video portal, Google may load additional services (e.g. the advertising network ‘DoubleClick’).
  8. Information on data protection at Google can be viewed at

2.14    Links to other websites

  1. While using some of our services, you may also be automatically redirected to other websites of third parties (e.g. links in blog posts) or a connection to domains of third parties is established (e.g. to
  2. Please note that this privacy policy does not apply there. The privacy policy of the linked website may differ considerably from this one.
  3. Furthermore, connections can be established with external domains (e.g.; the publisher is the Federal Chancellery of Austria).

3         Processing for the purpose of carrying out our business processes

3.1        Whistleblower portal

  1. We use the whistleblower system “SecuReveal” to record and process reports within the meaning of the Austrian Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG). The provider is RBS Responsible Business Solutions GmbH, Hegelgasse 13, 1010 Vienna. The legal basis is
  2. We use SecuReveal to be able to record and process reports securely, in accordance with the rules and efficiently. This constitutes a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.
  3. We have concluded an order processing contract with RBS Responsible Business Solutions GmbH in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR. This ensures that RBS Responsible Business Solutions GmbH processes all reports confidentially, securely and in accordance with its tasks.
  4. The whistleblower system makes it possible to submit anonymous reports.
  5. Legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR (fulfillment of a legal obligation), namely the provision of an internal whistleblower system in accordance with § 8 HSchG in conjunction with § 11 HSchG.
  6. Deletion periods according to § 8 para. 10 to 12 HSchG:
  • Personal data that is not required for the processing of a report will not be collected or will be deleted immediately if it was collected unintentionally.
  • Personal data will be stored for five years from the last time it was processed or transmitted and beyond that for as long as is necessary to carry out administrative or judicial proceedings that have already been initiated or investigative proceedings in accordance with the Austrian Code of Criminal Procedure (StPO). Personal data will be deleted once the obligation to retain it no longer applies.
  • Processing operations actually carried out, in particular changes, queries and transfers, are logged. Log data on these processes will be stored from the last time they were processed or transmitted until three years after the retention obligation pursuant to Section 8 (11) HSchG no longer applies.
  1. If you do not agree to your request being processed by us via the “SecuReveal” whistleblowing portal, you can alternatively communicate with us by telephone, in writing (e-mail/letter) or in person.
  2. further information can be found in the privacy policy of RBS Responsible Business Solutions GmbH:

3.2        Direct marketing

  1. If you have given us your consent, we will inform you regularly by e-mail about new offers. We will use your name and e-mail address for this purpose. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 UAbs. 1 lit. a GDPR. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future, e.g. via the link at the end of each e-mail.
  2. Our newsletter is only sent by e-mail with your prior express consent according to the double opt-in principle: after registering for the newsletter on our website, you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your newsletter registration. This ensures that no third party has misused your data.
  3. When you register for the newsletter, we also obtain your consent to newsletter tracking for the purpose of personalised advertising and market research by us. With the help of so-called tracking pixels or web beacons and links, each of which is linked to an individual ID, we collect the following personal tracking information in connection with the use of our newsletter:
  • Opening the newsletter, clicking on the links contained therein, submitting a form on our website after clicking on a link contained in the newsletter (along with the time of these actions).
  • Type of terminal device used when you call up images in the newsletter or click on links
  • Behaviour on our website when you access it via a link from our newsletter (along with the time of these actions)
  • Location of access when you access images in the newsletter or click on links (by assigning your IP address, which we do not store).

We save this data to your user profile, which is assigned to the data entered when you registered for the newsletter. We use this data to evaluate and optimise our e-mail marketing and for the purposes of personalised advertising and market research. This enables us to send you personalised product, service and offer information in our newsletter that is of particular interest to you. You can revoke your consent to this data processing at any time with future effect by unsubscribing from the newsletter. An isolated deactivation of the newsletter tracking is (currently) technically not possible. We delete the tracking data when you unsubscribe from our newsletter. Data that has been stored by us for other purposes remains unaffected by this.

3.3        Existing customer advertising

  1. Insofar as you have already made use of services from us against payment, we may inform you from time to time by e-mail or letter about similar services from us (in particular new offers), unless you have objected to this.
  2. The legal basis for the data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 UAbs. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in direct advertising (recital 47 GDPR). You can object to the use of your e-mail address and postal address for advertising purposes at any time without additional costs with effect for the future.

3.4        Responding to Project Inquiries

In the case of inquiries about projects from developers, we pass on the data provided in your inquiry to the developer or broker of the respective project, insofar as this is necessary or beneficial to answer your inquiry and/or to carry out contractual or pre-contractual measures.

4         Cookies

4.1        General Information

  1. Cookies are information transmitted by our web server or third-party web servers to the users’ devices where they are stored for later retrieval. Cookies can be in the form of small files or any other types of information storage.
  2. In the case that users do not want that cookies are stored on their device, they will be asked to disable the corresponding option in their browser’s system settings. Saved cookies may be deleted in the system settings of the browser. The exclusion of cookies can lead to functional impairments of this online service.

4.2        Cookie overview, Objection Option

  1. You can find an up-to-date overview of the cookies used on this website in the “clickskeks” consent management platform (see section 2.12 “Consent management”).
  2. You can also manage your individual consents and preferences there.

Change your settings


5         Changes to the Data Privacy Policy

  1. We reserve the right to change this Data Privacy Policy with regards to the data processing, in order to adapt it to changed legal situations, to changes of the online service or of the data processing.
  2. If users’ consents are required or if elements of the Data Privacy Policy contain provisions in regards to the contractual relationship with the users, the changes will only be made with the consent of the users.
  3. Users are requested to keep themselves informed about the content of this Data Privacy Policy on a regular basis.

Version: August 2024